On My Bookshelf
In another life, I’m an avid reader. But in this life, I get overly optimistic whilst walking the aisles of Barnes and Noble and take months to get through a single book. In an attempt to consume more literary content, I’ve recently begun sprinkling in some audiobook action so I can listen while I work. The below is a compilation of books I’ve read and listened to, am currently working on, or hope to start soon.
If you’re in the market for a new read, my number 1 recommendation is The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry. Let’s be honest- we all need less hurry. In fact as I was compiling this list, I couldn’t help but notice the lack of business related books in my collection- how to make more money, how to do better, be better, look better… you know the books. They’re not all bad… a lot of them help a lot of people. But I find myself in a season of life and business where I’m much more interested in slowing down, finding peace and gratitude for where I am and what I have, than the constant pursuit of bigger, better, richer. If you find yourself desiring something similar, I hope some of the books below can prove to be a resource for you in getting there.