We’ll get personal and we’ll get practical. Browse my best tips and tricks for upgrading your website, adding a new book to your shelf, and even check out my fashionable finds on occasion.
Working Remote in Mexico
The moment my husband started working from home, the scheming began. If you’re from the Midwest or have visited for any length of time, you know that the months of January and February (okay March too)..
My Office Makeover
I like to think that I’d be an Interior Design sensation if I had the money to back up the genius with. I’m probably wrong. Alas, here’s the latest on Makers headquarters.
What to expect when You hire us
When you work with us, you can rest assured that we’ll treat your business like it were our own. From start to finish, our goal is to give you a simple and refreshing experience as we bring your site to life.
On My Bookshelf
In another life, I’m an avid reader. But in this life, I get overly optimistic whilst walking the aisles of Barnes and Noble and take months to get through a single book.